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كشف مستوى النقطة الاهتزازية
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كشف مستوى النقطة الاهتزازية
شوكة تهتزالإصدار الأساسي، الجيل الجديد
Liquiphant FTL41 The vibronic level switch in basic applications reduces complexities in your plant
الإصدار الأساسي، شوكة تهتز لتطبيقات SIL
Vibronic Point level detection Liquiphant FTL81 Point level switch for liquids for FailSafe overfill prevention Predecessor: Liquiphant S FDL61 o FailSafe overfill prevention regarding functional safety SIL3...
شوكة اهتزاز محسنة، جيل جديد
Liquiphant FTL51B Point level/density, vibronic. Compact and extension tube. Application: liquids. Point level: Millimeter precision switch point. Application safety: independent of liquid properties,...
شوكة تهتز محسنة، ودرجات حرارة عالية جيل جديد
Liquiphant FTL64 The Liquiphant FTL64 ensures long term reliable detection. A level switch for hot and pump able liquids. Liquiphant FTL64 has a strong focus...
شوكة اهتزاز مغلفة، جيل جديد
Liquiphant FTL62 The coated sensor for aggressive media A level switch for aggressive and pump able liquids. Liquiphant FTL62 has a strong focus on specific...
صدار أساسي شوكة تهتز صحية
Vibronic Point level detection Liquiphant FTL50H Compact vibration point level switch for liquids especially in the food and life sciences industry Predecessor: CS1103 , CS1113 ,...
صدار أساسي شوكة تهتز صحية
Vibronic Point level detection Liquiphant FTL51H Point level switch with extension tube for liquids especially in the food and life sciences industry Predecessor: CS1103 , CS1113...
الإصدار الأساسي، شوكة تهتز لدرجة حرارة عالية
Vibronic Point level detection Liquiphant FTL70 Point level switch for liquids in high-temperature applications Predecessor: CS5603 , CS5613 , Rod probe 11500ZM, Rod probe 11500Z o With...
الإصدار الأساسي، شوكة تهتز لدرجة حرارة عالية
Vibronic Point level switch Liquiphant FTL71 Point level switch with extension tube for liquids in high-temperature applications Predecessor: CS5603 , CS5613 , Rod probe 11500ZM, Rod...
الإصدار الأساسي، شوكة تهتز لتطبيقات SIL
Vibronic Point level detection Liquiphant FTL80 Point level switch for liquids for FailSafe overfill prevention Predecessor: Liquiphant S FDL60 o FailSafe overfill prevention regarding functional safety SIL3...
شوكة اهتزاز مطلية محسّنة لتطبيقات SIL
Vibronic Point level detection Liquiphant FTL85 Coated point level switch for liquids for FailSafe overfill prevention o FailSafe overfill prevention regarding functional safety SIL3 with one...
شوكة تهتز اساسية
Vibronic Point level detection Soliphant FTM50 Robust point level switch for fine-grained bulk solids also for hazardous areas Predecessor: Soliphant II FTM30, Soliphant II FTM30D, Soliphant...
شوكة اهتزاز محسّنة
Vibronic Point level detection Soliphant FTM51 Robust point level switch with extension tube for fine-grained bulk solids also for hazardous areas Predecessor: Soliphant II FTM31, Soliphant...
شوكة اهتزاز على كابل
Vibronic Point level detection Soliphant FTM52 Robust point level switch with rope extension for fine-grained bulk solids also for hazardous areas Predecessor: Soliphant II FTM32, Soliphant...
قضيب الاهتزاز محسّن
Vibronic Point level detection Soliphant FTM21 Compact limit switch with extension tube for bulk solids with stainless steel housing (316L) o Single rod probe for applications...
قضيب الاهتزاز الأساسي
Vibronic Point level detection Soliphant FTM20 Compact limit switch for bulk solids Predecessor: Soliphant T FTM260 o Single rod probe for applications with fine-grained or coarse-grained, non-fluidized...
الإصدار الأساسي، شوكة اهتزاز فائقة الصغر
Vibronic Point level detection Liquiphant FTL31 Point level switch for liquids in compact design with stainless steel housing Predecessor: Pump Protection FTW360 , Liquiphant T FTL20...
الإصدار الأساسي، شوكة تهتز لتطبيقات SIL
Vibronic Point level detection Liquiphant FTL81 Point level switch for liquids for FailSafe overfill prevention Predecessor: Liquiphant S FDL61 o FailSafe overfill prevention regarding functional safety SIL3...
شوكة تهتز، فائقة الصغر، صحية
Vibronic Point level detection Liquiphant FTL33 Point level switch for liquids in compact hygienic design for the food industry Predecessor: Pump Protection FTW360 , Liquiphant T...
الإصدار الأساسي، شوكة تهتز لتطبيقات SIL
Vibronic Point level detection Liquiphant FTL81 Point level switch for liquids for FailSafe overfill prevention Predecessor: Liquiphant S FDL61 o FailSafe overfill prevention regarding functional safety SIL3...